Senin, 28 April 2014

Tulisan 2 B.ingrris Bisnis 2

Cat Anti Panas Membuat Perkotaan Jadi Lebih Adem (Cool Roof)


Seringkali kita merasa kepanasan berada dalam ruang pada siang hari saat matahari terik di luar. Ini adalah akibat dari penyerapan panas matahari pada permukaan rata (horizontal) dari gedung dan rumah tempat kita berada. Rata-rata per meter persegi atap atau genteng menyerap minimal 1000 watt panas matahari! Terlebih pada atap atau genteng berwarna gelap, yang menyerap lebih banyak lagi panas matahari dan memanaskan bangunan di bawahnya serta udara sekelilingnya.

Hal ini mengakibatkan penambahan penggunaan energy untuk AC dan membuat gedung tanpa AC tidak nyaman. Atap yang panas juga ikut alih menambah efekUrban Heat Island dengan menghangatkan udara yang mengalir melewati atap dan berkontribusi pada pamanasan global dengan mengradiasikan panas ke lapisan atmosfer bumi.

Urban Heat Island adalah sebutan suatu keadaan dimana suhu di perkotaan lebih tinggi
daripada daerah pinggiran di sekitarnya.

Lalu apa solusinya? 

Dari sini, muncul riset dan teknologi yang menciptakan cool roof. Cool roof adalah istilah yang dipakai untuk atap atau genteng yang memantulkan sinar matahari dengan baik dan bertahan lebih dingin dari atap atau genteng pada umumnya. Cool roof biasanya memiliki tingkat efisiensi penolakan thermal atau radiasi infrared yang tinggi (high thermal emittance). Selain itu, cool roof juga memiliki solar reflectance yang tinggi.

Secara teknis, ini versi rumitnya.

Cool roof bekerja dengan cara mengurangi konduksi panas kedalam gedung atau ruangan sehinggu udara dalam ruang lebih nyaman dan dingin. Cool roof juga mengurangi konveksi panas ke udara luar dan radiasi panas ke atmosfer bumi. Bedanya cool roof dengan insulasi adalah cool roof menolak dan memantulkan panas sebelum terserap, sedangkan insulasi hanya menahan dan memperlambat panas masuk dalam ruang. Penggunaan cool roof dapat memberi keuntungan kepada gedung atau bangunan, kota dan planet kita.

versi simple
atap diberi warna putih yang mempunyai sifat refleksi cahaya

Keuntungan Menggunakan Cool Roof 

1. Udara sekitar yang lebih adem. Cool roof dapat menurunkan suhu udara di daerah urban atau perkotaan dengan mengurangi jumlah panas yang ditransfer dari atap ke udara. Dengan kata lain cool roof mengurangi efek urban heat island!

2. Pengurangan emisi dari pembangkit listrik. Cool roof mengurangi kebutuhan energi untuk AC karena suhu dalam ruang sudah cukup nyaman. Penggunaan listrik yang lebih sedikit ini membantu mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca dan berbagai polutan udara dari pembangkit listrik.

3. Kualitas udara lebih baik. Cool roof mengurangi suhu udara di daerah urban dan melambatkan pembentukan lapisan ground level ozone. Ozone, yang komponen utamanya adalah kabut, dapat menimbulkan gangguan saluran pernapasan dan menjadi gas rumah kaca.

4. Memperlambat perubahan iklim. Cool roof mengurangi penyerapan panas pada permukaan bumi dan gedung atau bangunan sehingga mendinginkan suhu permukaan. Penurunan suhu ini dapat mengurangi radiasi panas ke atmosfer dan mengimbangi pemanasan akibat gas rumah kaca.

5. Penghematan energi dan biaya. Dengan iklim tropis di Indonesia sepanjang tahun, cool roof dapat mengurangi penggunaan AC berlebih dan mengurangi beban kerja AC untuk mendinginkan ruang terus menerus. Hemat AC = HEMAT ENERGI + HEMAT BIAYA!

6. Mengurangi risiko mati listrik. Dengan cool roof, penggunaan AC akan berkurang sehingga mengurangi beban listrik pada gardu-gardu lsitrik.

7. Peningkatan kenyamanan udara dalam ruang. Cool roof mendinginkan suhu udara dalam ruang, baik yang menggunakan AC atau pun tidak dapat tetap nyaman dan adem. Kenyamanan udara dalam ruang dapat meningkatkan produktifitas dan kesehatan pekerja maupun penghuni tempat tersebut.

Beberapa keuntungan dari penggunaan cool roof bukan untuk diri sendiri juga lho tetapi untuk tempat kita, kota kita, dan planet kita tercinta 

Penjelasan Dari Produk Cat Anti Panas 
ga bermaksud buat promosi 


Spoiler for Pic

Pemakaian Cat Anti Panas


Spoiler for Pic

Perbandingan Cool Roof


Spoiler for Bonus Pic

Alangkah Indahnya
Jika Jakarta Mempunyai atap seperti ini

sumber :

Tugas 2 B.Inggris Bisnis 2


Group  G:
Batara Yuda Nugraha
Marsa Vicky Andrian
Darari Albajillyy

Section 2

1.      George did not do well in the class because ……………
Answer : D. He failed to study properly
Reason :  Because only “failed” to used a word in accordance with a sintence

2.      This University’s programs …………… those of Harvard
Answer : B. Are second after
Reason :  Use of the word program with spliced with the word “are”. And cause it is new program

3.      The more she worked …………..
Answer : a. The less she achieved
Reason :  Should use to “less”. Cause this work produce something after work done. Not while walking.

4.      ………….. the best car to buy is a Mercedes Benz.
Answer : A. Because of its durability and economy
Reason : The use of “its” on first sentence is already represent one sentence.

5.      When Henry  arrived home after a hard day at work, ………….
Answer : A. his wife was sleeping
Reason : Have been more specific on the sentences. When Henry get home, then word used must “was”, after word “was” the verb after should  use the present participle.

6.      He gave …………….
Answer : B. The class a tough assignment
Reason : Cause a given task is the class

7.      People all over  the world are starving ……..
Answer : In greater numbers
Reason :  In the sintences that starving is the people. So, the use of the word count is very precisely to conclude.

8.      It was not until she arrived in class ……………. realized she had forgotten her book.
Answer : D. That she
Reason :  The class as a woman. So the use “that” is as pointer that subject is she

9.      Jhon has not been able to recall where …………..
Answer : B. She lives
Reason :  To be visited by Jhon is a friend house.  Not need use “to be” again.

10.  Ben would have studied medicine if he ………… to a medical school.
Answer : B. Had been admitted
Reason : Cause Ben will be schools in there . So, Ben’ll  be able to learn there is after  Ben accept.

11.  He entered a university …………
Answer : at the age of sixteen years
Reason :  The time use is the time past (long time ago).  And use the range of age is necessary with “years old”.

12.  The jurors were told to ………..
Answer : C.  speak freely
Reason : The only words that represent all sentences are simply  “freely”.

13.  Those student do not like to read novels , …………….. text books.
Answer : D. Much less
Reason :  only words that represent all sentences are simply  “less”.

14.  He ……………….. looked forward to the new venture.
Answer : A. Eagerly
Reason : On the word “look”, have been change “looked”. So, just use the verb alone.

15.  The families were told to evacuate their houses immediately ………….
Answer : B. when the time when the water began to go up
Reason : The families would be evacuated when water is coming up.

Part B


In question 16-40, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B),(C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

16.  Most Americans would not be happy without a color television, two cars, and workingat an extra job
Answer :  The sentence should be read " Most Americans would not be happy without a color television, two cars, and working at an extra job." Therefore, you should choose C & D.
C = ( not use), D = work.

17.  The lion has long been a symbol of strength, power, and it is very cruel.
Answer : The sentence should be read "The lion has long been a symbol of strength, power, and it is very cruel.

18.  All the scouts got theirselves ready for the long camping trip by spending their weekends living in the open.
Answer : The sentence should be read “All the scouts got theirselves ready for the long camping trip by spending their weekends living in the open.” Therefor, you should choose B = Themselves.

19.  Nobody had known before the presentation that Sue and her sister will receive theawards for outstanding scholarship.
Answer : The sentence should be read “ Nobody had known before the presentation that Sue and her sister will receive the awards for outstanding scholarship.”. Therefor, you should choose C = Has receive.

20.  In 1927, Charles Lindbergh was the first to fly solo nonstop from New York to Paris insuch short time.
Answer : The sentence should be read “In 1927, Charles Lindbergh was the first to fly solo nonstop from New York to Paris in such short time.” Therefor, you should choose  D = a short time

21.  Until his last class at the university in 1978, Bob always turns in all of his assignmentson time.
Answer : Until his last class at the university in 1978, Bob always turns in all of his assignments on time.” Therefor, you should choose B = to change

22.  When I last saw Janet, she hurried to her next class on the other side of the campus and did not have time to talk.
Answer : When I last saw Janet, she hurried to her next class on the other side of the campus and did not have time to talk.” Therefor, you should choose B = Hurry.

23.  Before we returned from swimming in the river near the camp, someone had stoleour clothes, ad we had to walk back with our towels around us.
Answer : Before we returned from swimming in the river near the camp, someone had stole our clothes, ad we had to walk back with our towels around us.

24.  Patrick was very late getting home last night, and unfortunately for him, the dogbarking woke everyone up.
Answer : Patrick was very late getting home last night, and unfortunately for him, the dog barking woke everyone up.” Therefor, you should choose C = Dogy

25.  He has been hoped for a rise for the last four months, but his boss is reluctant to givehim one.
Answer :  He has been hoped for a rise for the last four months, but his boss is reluctant to give him one.

26.  After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving in the wrong direction.
Answer :  After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving in the wrong direction.” Therefor, you should choose C =  Had been driving

27.  The Department of Foreign Language are not located in the new building oppositethe old one.
Answer :  The Department of Foreign Language are not located in the new building opposite the old one.” Therefor, yyou should choose B = Is.

28.  The Nobel Prize winner, accompanied by her husband and children, are staying in Sweden until after the presentation.
Answer : The Nobel Prize winner, accompanied by her husband and children, are staying in Sweden until after the presentation.” Therefor, you should choose B =( not use ).

29.  Neither of the scout leaders know how to trap wild animals or how to prepare them for mounting.
Answer : Neither of the scout leaders know how to trap wild animals or how to prepare them for mounting.

30.  Those of you who signed up for Dr. daniel’s anthropology class should get theirbooks as soon as possible.
Answer :  Those of you who signed up for Dr. daniel’s anthropology class should get their books as soon as possible.

31.  I put my new book of zoology here on the desk a few minutes ago, but I cannot seem to find it.
Answer : I put my new book of zoology here on the desk a few minutes ago, but I cannot seem to find it.

32.  Marta being chosen as the most outstanding student on her campus made her parents very happy.
Answer : “Marta being chosen as the most outstanding student on her campus made her parents very happy.” Therefor, you should choose A = She is

33.  Jane said she would borrow  me her new movie camera if I wanted to use it on my trip to Europe.
Answer : Jane said she would borrow  me her new movie camera if I wanted to use it on my trip to Europe.

34.  When Cliff was sick with the flu, his mother made him to eat chicken soup and rest in bed.
Answer :”  When Cliff was sick with the flu, his mother made him to eat chicken soup and rest in bed.” Therefor, you should choose  C = Food
35.  My cousin composes not only the music, but also sings the song s for the majorBroadwav musicals.
Answer : “My cousin composes not only the music, but also sings the song  for the major Broadwav musicals.” Therefor, you should choose A = Not only compose
36.  The geology professor showed us a sample about volcanic rock which dated backseven hundres years.
Answer :  “The geology professor showed us a sample about volcanic rock which dated back seven hundres years.” Therefor, you should choose C = ( not use )

37.  The girl whom my cousin married was used to be a chorus girl for the Rocketters in Radio City Music Hall in New York.
Answer : “The girl whom my cousin married was used to be a chorus girl for the Rocketters in Radio City Music Hall in New York.” Therefor, you should choose C = Was using
38.  Ralph has called his lawyer last night to tell him about his problems, but was told thatthe lawyer had gone to a lecture.
Answer :  “Ralph has called his lawyer last night to tell him about his problems, but was told that the lawyer had gone to a lecture.” Therefor, you should choose  A = Had Calling.

39.  Some bumper stickers are very funny and make us laugh, yet another can make us angry because of their ridiculousness.
Answer :  “Some bumper stickers are very funny and make us laugh, yet another can make us angry because of their ridiculousness.” Therefor, you should chooseC = Other.
40.  The result of the test proved to Fred and me that we needed to study harder  and watch less movies o television if we wanted to receive scholarship.
Answer : “The result of the test proved to Fred and me that we needed to study harder  and watch less movies o television if we wanted to receive scholarship.” Therefor, you should choose D = Was less.